Julia 80 by Ernesto Garcia Seijas (d. 2023)


Julia 80
“Il delitto alla moda” page 100
Masterful gialli page by the genre’s best
by Ernesto Rudesindo García Seijas (d. 2023)
Graphite & ink on canvas paper
9.75 x 13.5 in.

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JULIA 80 “Il delitto alla moda” by Ernesto Rudesindo García Seijas (b. June 1, 1941 | d. March 28, 2023), who was an Argentine comics artist published extensively in Italy from the late 1950s to the early 2010s. At age 17 he made his debut in comics by providing art for the series Bill y Boss, published in the Argentine magazine Totem. Also in 1958 he started working for the magazine Bucaneros in the eponymous series, as well as for other publishers as artist and cover illustrator.

In the 1960s and 1970s he worked with Hector G. Oesterheld at the magazines Frontera, Hora Cero, Misterix and Rajo Rojo working on the titles Tom de la Pradera and Leon Loco. Seijas later collaborated substantially for Columba, a publisher specializing in romance comics for women and in film adaptations; these include Helena, created by Robin Wood, which was turned into a TV series in the 1980s.

Seijas also worked for Columba’s main rival, Record, with adventure/mystery/western works such as Skorpio and  Manny Riley (written by Ray Collins), El Hombre de Richmond (script by Andrea Mantelli), La estirpe de Josh  (written by Alfredo Grassi) and Los Aventureros (script by Carlos Albiac). For Columba he drew Kevin, also written by Robin Wood.

Seijas produced comics strips for the newspapers El Clarín (El Negro Blanco, an erotic comic strip written by Carlos Trillo in 1987 that later spawned the sequel, Flopi), La Nación (Especies en Peligro, written by Viviana Centol, 2000) and La Prensa (Bardo). Most of these series were translated in Italy by Eura Editoriale in its magazines, Skorpio and Lanciostory. In the 1990s Seijas started to work directly for Eura Editoriale and then for Sergio Bonelli Editore, Italy’s largest comics publisher. Among his series for Eura are Radzel, fantasy comics written by Eduardo Mazzitelli in 1999.

Additional Information
Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 12 in