Panik Collective: The 99% Action Figure


Produced in collaboration with DKE Toys,
1 of only 8 signed artist proofs

5 in stock

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Produced in collaboration with DKE Toys, Panik Collective’s The 99% Action Figure sports a Guy Fawkes mask and an Anarchy shirt, but the real social dissidence comes in purchasing one of only 8 signed artist proofs, because we are donating half of the retail cost to the Courage Foundation’s Free Jeremy Hammond Fund.

THE PANIK COLLECTIVE is a team of credentialed painters, sculptors, musicians, mathematicians & curators dividing time among multiple exhibition projects and public actions. As such their chosen medium changes to best accommodate their message, which ranges from academic to all of with overlapping themes of gender politics, subversion of government overreach, and an appreciation for musical and pop culture nostalgia.